Jay Bosamiya Software Security Researcher


Misc RE Tips

Reverse engineering is a mix of an art as well as a science. Over time, one tends to gather a repertoire of common "tips and tricks" that one might use when reversing any given piece of software. What follows are a condensed form of some tricks gained from Gynvael's livestreams. Read more...

Analysis for RE and Pwning tasks in CTFs

To either solve an RE challenge, or to be able to pwn it, one must first analyze the given binary, in order to be able to effectively exploit it. Since the binary might possibly be stripped etc (found using file) one must know where to begin analysis, to get a foothold to build up from. Read more...

Return Oriented Programming

Return Oriented Programming (ROP) is one of the classic exploitation techniques, that is used to bypass the NX (non executable memory) protection. Microsoft has incorporated NX as DEP (data execution prevention). Even Linux etc, have it effective, which means that with this protection, you could no longer place shellcode onto heap/stack and have it execute just by jumping to it. So now, to be able to execute code, you jump into pre-existing code (main binary,... Read more...

Genetic Fuzzing

Here, we take a look at "advanced" fuzzing (in comparison to a blind fuzzer, as described in my "Basics of Fuzzing" note). While it also modifies/mutates bytes etc, but it does so in a slightly smarter way than the blind "dumb" fuzzer. Read more...

Basics of Fuzzing

What is a fuzzer, in the first place? And why do we use it? Read more...